Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Clarity of purpose

Some more news and notes...

I think I've decided on a general approach. I'm going to shoot for 3 posts a week. If I'm feeling particularly ambitious, I'll either do another or make an entry better. General approach will be one thought/discussion piece, an informational entry and the last random notes (such as this one). But I'll be adding links to the "on topic!" section most days.

Tim points out a reminder on an Arizona tax credit that I was vaguely aware and qualified for but, to this point, hadn't utilized yet. That would be the Credit for Contributions to Charities That Provide Assistance to the Working Poor (Form 321 and instructions). Basically, if you give more that you did in some past defined year (your baseline), you qualify for a credit if you give to approved Arizona-based charities. It is capped at $400 for married following jointly, and the charity must be on provide assistance to the working poor (although that appears to be a loose definition). So more questionable tax policy to benefit you.

I'm almost completely google-fied. Blogger is google, so is picasa (and the ease in posting from picasa to is great). the docs tool is very handy for multiple person/point access (we used the spreadsheet for our fantasy baseball league and it went extraordinarily well). the blog counter is google as well. portfolio manager is google. rss feeder is reader. if i kept a calendar I'd probably use that too. and google checkout saved me about $90 over the holidays (or made me spend a lot more, can't tell which). but not email. don't really see the point of changing the primary.

Snippets of conversation betweens Joanne & I this week:
Me: I'm lame
Joanne: You're not lame
Me: Name someone lamer
Joanne: I don't know that many people...
Joanne: The closet light bulb is out again
Me: You know where the light bulbs are...
(I am not a smart person. And, as you might have guessed, I changed the light bulb.)
A riddle...
Why was Tigger watching 24?
He was looking for Pooh.
Ugh, this season is terrible. Hurry back Heroes, so i have something to enjoy on Monday nights! Last year's big twist was not believable, but still fun. This year's, just down right stupid.

That's all I have at the moment...

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