Tuesday, April 10, 2007

How do you read AJU?

Just curious... Do you have a feed service you use, have the site bookmarked, other?
And do you look at the "On topic" feeds (those are shared links from my google reader subscriptions that I find interesting or related to past topics)?

I added an analytics feature last week that does counting and what not. The day of the Iraq post had a huge increase in hits, and over the next day included page views from places in which I don't think I know people (China, India, Fort Wayne, etc), but that might be some funky IP addresses, and increased the search hits. One other curiosity in the report from last week--I got a redirect from dineshrao.blogspot.com (not the india hit though), which is odd for two reasons (or one and a half). As you might know I/we (those who do know) went to high school with a Dinesh Rao, but this dinesh is a different dinesh. That's random...


Anonymous said...

Left to right and top to bottom. I do have the sight bookmarked.

jt said...

I just have it linked in my browser and stop by regularly to see what's new. I haven't been able to make that "feed" thing work for me. Stupid new-fangled things.

Katherine Nabity said...

Through Bloglines. I finally caved about three weeks ago and set up a proper feed aggregator.

mountmccabe said...

I have it in my Google Reader which you showed me but I need to work on settings for that because it gets overrun by more news-oriented sites. I need one for the high-volume stuff and one for the lower-volume blogs. It'd be fun.

Anyway because of the overrunning I mainly read AJU posts several days after they're written.

jt said...

I did some exploring of Google, based on mountmccabe's comment about "Google Reader" and found that bad boy. How cool is that? If Google is the Borg, I'm ready to be assimilated.