Anywho, I actually have a handful of posts started but not completed. I have the germ of the idea, an intro with no meat, so they are, on the most part, unfulfilling both in terms of me taking the time to make them readable, or in their present state, being readable. It's not inconceivable that I just don't have much to say.
Technically, I knew that at the beginning, but that's one of the reasons I started this was to get practice at developing a thought. One of the blogs that I check in on had a post about the composition time of different types of posts. There were 3 main types:
- the quick hitter: a link or random thought for the day, maybe 10-15 minutes.
- commentary: longer, but not too involved covering a personally well known issue. still this was a couple of hours in terms of writing, editing, checking etc.
- research piece: longer term, added to here and there over a couple of weeks. at least 10 hours of work, if not more. and it maybe gets some outside editing.
But personal growth is supposed to require some effort, and I still have plenty of growing, and, for the time being, time to do it. So the challenge becomes "doing", instead of "thinking of doing," which is a fairly big problem for me, from this blog, to home projects, to purchasing decisions, and many other things.
To conclude, the underutilized question to get comments is: how do go about recognizing and addressing the need or desire for self improvement?
If, later in the week, you were to post something in reference to the "More Meta" post, you would push into brand new territory. Blogging about blogging about blogging.
Sgt. Major Major Major
hmmm....that's tough. It's easy in competition to realize that you need to improve in areas of your life. I wan't to be the best, clearly I'm not, what are my competitors doing better than me. But how do I realize the need for improvement in an area where there is a lack of competition? Motivation is key. You also have to take a step back and look at the larger picture.
Is it really going to hurt anyone if I play minesweeper for the next 10 minutes? Does it matter if I watch Sportcenter twice in one night? Can work wait while I read this blog? These are the problems I face with self improvement.
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