Saturday, September 15, 2007

Case of the Blues

I'm very out of rhythm.

Since we got back from our Utah trip, I've struggled to get back into the rather decent routine I was in: regular workouts (only gone once or twice in the last 3 weeks), better diet, less dew, slightly more sleep, more regular postings (i think). Part of it has been caused by actual work at work (that threw me off) and, of course, increased realization of life ending/changing in 7 months.

I asked Joanne if I was getting too far ahead--I purchased the stroller last week (40% off seemed like too much to pass up)--to which she looked at me incredulously and said no. I think she knows how much time I take with all this stuff (along with the second guessing and verification that I did indeed get a decent deal). It took me 6 months to settle on a car, and that was only one decision. Got lots more than that coming up.

This first couple of weeks were all about stroller & car seat, but now I'm branching out: furniture options, disposables or cloth, to wear or not to wear, and so on. The main benefit of doing this now is that we can have a firm idea of what we'd like to do before fall/winter, which then will supposedly/hopefully free me up to focus on the actual house preparations. Surprisingly LBA doesn't actually change what we want done to the house; it simply provides a firm deadline.

I figure it will be about two more weeks before I get back into a normal flow--once Regionals hits, that will reduce not only the time commitment of ultimate, but also end any concern of whether or not I benefit Sprawl. So that will be a load off.

And then maybe I'll get around to the backlog of topics I've thought about doing and actually doing them.


jt said...

"increased realization of life ending/changing in 7 months"

Your life is just about *to begin* big boy, you just don't know it yet.

I predict that a year after the new Aspinall arrives, you'll look back on life pre-baby and think "what the hell did I do with all that extra time? I'm still doing everything I used to, plus raising a kid. I must have just been sitting around staring vacantly into space for large periods of time."

But that's just my guess.

Jot said...

My advice is to only buy the essentials. You will find you have preferences you didn't know about.

You need some "sleepers". My advices is zippers over snaps. Hospital will have hats you get to keep.

Safe crib.
Safe car seat.

After that it's fluff.

Remeber, the best part about being a might get to be a grandparent. ;)