Sunday, April 20, 2008

How's it Goin' Owen?

Catchy, isn't it? This is one of our favorite things to say to Owen, perhaps only second to "You're a cutie! Yes you are!". (It's no wonder he's got a big head.) I once said "What's up, Doc?!", but then Keith reminded me that the cost of schooling would be outrageous, so I changed it to "What's up, Engineer!"

Yes, Owen, your parents are weird.

So, to answer the question, he is doing well. He had a good visit with our friend Amber yesterday. He also had a very brief, but important, visit with JT. (Don't worry, JT, there will be many more chances for a longer hold.) We had a group of people over to visit with Jim and Amber, who were visiting from Florida. It was great to see Jim and Amber and many of our friends. For me it was also a big step in a return to normalcy. Don't get me wrong, having a baby is great, but for a while there you think that you will never get your old life back. I realize that you don't ever fully get your life back, (which is a good thing imo), but pieces of it can return. I always like hosting, and our house is finally somewhat clean and orderly. I'm also starting to play Ultimate again, and getting out of the house more.

I'll also start working part time from home in a week. I have to work 20 hours to keep my benefits. I really don't know how anybody could go back full time at this point. Even if you do use daycare, it takes too long (about 10-12 hours) for me to get a good night's rest.

Speaking of daycare, we visited Bright Horizon's near my work last week. They had an open house with food and games for the kids and tours for those interested. It looks like a great place except for the price - over $1K a month! We're going to look into other options, including using the grandmas and working from home 1-2 days a week in order to delay daycare. But there are some pros to using daycare, but I'll leave that topic to another post.

Other things happening: We're still dealing with Owen's gassiness (which is apparently painful to him and smelly to us!). I gave up dairy to see if that helped. I'm not sure it has, although I haven't exactly done a good job at getting rid of all dairy (I still use some cheese). I think I'll drink a big glass of milk this week and see what happens. It could also be caused by other things in my diet, which I am also trying to cut out (excessive citrus, iron, peanut butter). The list of possible suspects is pretty long. Hopefully Owen's digestive system will mature soon!

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