Monday, April 14, 2008

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words

But a picture doesn't always tell the whole story.

I'm not sure if blogspot shows who the author is, so I'll start off by saying this is a guest post by Joanne (just call me Caffeine Free).
When I announced I was pregnant at work, one of my coworkers gave me a journal to use during pregnancy. It had various questions to answer for each month and space to write in. I've never been much of a journal/diary writer, so I wasn't that into it at first. I kept up with it for the first couple of months, then ignored it for a while. At some point I realized how important it would be to remember everything I went through, so I started up again. Well, as you all can guess, the section for the 9th month is completely blank. :-)

Now I have come to realize that remembering everything that happens after the birth is equally important. Sure, we have lots of pictures to remember by (we post them to, but there is more to the story than just pictures. So I've made it my goal to start writing more of the story. At first the idea was to have some journalling for his scrapbook. But then we received more requests for updates from friends and family, so I am now entering the world of blogging. Owen is six weeks old today, so I have some catching up to do!

This weekend we celebrated Owen's due date. He was 40 days old on Saturday, but his adjusted age was 0!

1 comment:

mountmccabe said...

Blogspot does say who the author is; you just have to be careful to be signed in under your own account.

Also that is a fantastic picture!