Tuesday, July 8, 2008

My life is hell

I made up a song to sing for Owen based on "99 bottles of beer on the wall" and sung it to him fairly often over the weekend, and now I can't get the damn thing out of my head.

The ditty goes like this:
99 bottles of boob in the fridge
99 bottles of boob
Take one out, suck it down,
98 bottles of boob in the fridge
And repeat.



Anonymous said...

Yeah, I think kid's songs are unfortunately a bit too catchy. I couldn't get "Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes" out of my head last night, and went through a phase with "The Ants Go Marching" over the weekend (hmmm, I wonder where that one came from??).

megan said...

that's hilarious. every time i fly the weeds theme song repeats & repeats as i see the little cookie cutter neighborhoods pass quickly by. the worst part is i can only remember about 2 lines.

Anonymous said...

Mommy and I made up a new song today. It's for when I do my explosive dirty diapers. It's quite simple. It goes like this:

"POOP! There it is! POOP! There it is!"